Images of Retired Employees Coming to Visit the Company in 2018

Images of Retired Employees Coming to Visit the Company in 2018

  •   16/01/2019 09:04:00 PM
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Elderly Association of Retired Employees visits the company.
Happy New Year 2018

Summarize business activities in 2017, Guidelines, Tasks in 2018

  •   16/01/2019 07:58:00 PM
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Following the direction of the Shareholders, the General Board of Directors of Hoang Van
Thu Paper Joint Stock Company conducted a Conference to review the business
production in 2017 and guidelines, tasks in 2018.
Products in stock

Productivity and targeted production during the last months of the year

  •   16/01/2019 04:11:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 1948
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Employees of Hoang Van Thu Paper Joint Stock Company emulate production to meet productivity, goals, and output during the last months of the year.
Hoang Van Thu Paper Joint Stock Company celebrated 71 years of establishment.

Hoang Van Thu Paper Joint Stock Company celebrated 71 years of establishment.

  •   02/01/2019 01:07:00 AM
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In the morning of August 20, 2016, Hoang Van Thu Paper Joint Stock Company celebrated its 100th anniversary and development of Vietnam Paper Industry and 71 years of Establishment (August 20, 1945 - August 20, 2016). Attending the meeting were: Tam Van Nhu (Member of the Provincial Standing Committee, Vice President of the Provincial People’s Committee); Tam Quoc Hong (Member of the Board of Directors of Vietnam Paper Corporation).

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